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Vinea for you

Choose your package of Vinea solutions and apps to streamline your processes, optimise your operation and increase profitability, or ask us about tailoring a custom solution for your business.  



Get in touch and we’ll show you what Vinea can do. 

Jobs Starter

A starter solution for managing individual and team work on
the Vineyard



I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

10 Vineyards/100 Blocks

200 Workers

2 Team Leaders

2 Office Users 

Billing and Payroll Integration

+ $50/month per extra Team Leaders

+ $10/month for Personal or Office Users

Contact Sales

Also included in Jobs Starter:

Mobile Apps

Unlimited Transactions

Baseline Support
Reports, Queries, Excel Integration

Viti Starter

A starter solution for Vineyard Data, Sampling and Yield Estimation



10 Vineyards/100 Blocks

2 Vineyard Managers + 2 Samplers

2 Office Users 

Crop Sampling + Vintage History

Yield Estimates

+ $50/month per extra Team Leaders

+ $10/month for Personal or Office Users

Contact Sales

Also included in Viti Starter:

Mobile Apps

Unlimited Transactions

Baseline Support
Reports, Queries, Excel Integration

Viti + Jobs

A complete solution for managing Jobs, Vineyard Data, Sampling
and Yield Estimation



I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

20 Vineyards/200 Blocks

Everything in Job Starter 
Everything in Viti Starter

+ $50/month per extra Team Leaders or Vineyard Manager

+ $10/month for extra Personal, Sampling or Office Users

Contact Sales

Also included in Viti + Jobs Starter:

Mobile Apps

Unlimited Transactions

Baseline Support
Reports, Queries, Excel Integration

 Access to GIS, Sensor and other integrations (POA)


For wine companies who need greater insight into the trajectory of harvest 



Unlimited Vineyards/Blocks

Everything in Job + Viti

Spatial Data

Enhanced Integrations with

Sensor Providers
Winery Systems

External Service Providers
Satellite Imagery

Contact Sales

Also included in Enterprise:

All Apps + Unlimited Transactions

Premium Support 
Reports, Queries, Excel, BI Integration, Application of AI/ML to Prediction

Plus input into Vinea product roadmap

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